- 5:15 p.m.
- Second and fourth Tuesday of each month
- City Council Chambers
1111 Broad Street
Phenix City, AL 36867
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
- Billy Sims, Chairman
- Tony Taylor, Vice-Chairman
- Don Ivy, Parliamentarian
- Eliza Phillips-Wyatt, Secretary
- Marcus Carr
- Vickey C. Green
- Jimmy Davis
- Sierra McKissic
- Annie Lindsey
- Kathy Davis, Recording Secretary
Duties & Responsibilities
The Planning Commission plays a central role in the planning process in two important ways. First, it acts as an advisory board to the City Council on all planning and development issues, including the development and maintenance of the Comprehensive Plan. Second, the commission assures that the Comprehensive Plan is implemented by reviewing development applications on a case-by-case basis. Just as a building is built one brick at a time, a community vision is built one project at a time.
To petition the Planning Commission, please fill out the corresponding form:
- Administrative Replat
- Annexation
- Conditional Use
- De-Annexation
- Rezone
- Statutory Review
- Subdivision
- Waiver
To review subdivision provisions, application procedures, design standards, and general requirements, please reference the city’s Subdivision Regulations.
Comprehensive Plan
As the region continues to grow, city leaders understood the importance of preparing the city for future growth by updating the Phenix City Comprehensive Plan, initially completed in 2002. This Comprehensive Plan update, initiated in 2010, entailed collecting updated information and performing a new assessment of the community so that a vision and framework for growth, development and redevelopment could be representative of the current state of city and provide impetus to the plans recommendations.
Planning Process
The planning process for the Phenix City Comprehensive Community Master Plan started with the collection and review of information, previous plans, and studies and field surveys of the city, in order to provide an assessment of the community relative to the plan. Individual meetings or discussions were conducted to better understand future needs. Following the assessment, an open house was held at the Central Activity Center for the community to come and provide input on their vision, as well as aid the planning team in identifying strong place and weak places within the community. Using the assessment for base information, a master plan concept was drafted, utilizing the vision and goals expressed during the planning process. This concept, and subsequent recommendations, was reviewed by city staff along with the Planning Commission and City Council, including additional public hearing and comment.
Upon approval of the plan by the Planning Commission and City Council, the Planning Commission will assist the mayor, City Manager, City Council, city departments, and others in the implementation of the plan. The Planning Commission should review the plan annually and update the plan as needed. Review the Comprehensive Plan.