City Council Meeting
Council Chambers 1111 Broad St., Phenix City, AL, United StatesThe City Council of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular meeting in the Council Chambers, located in the Public Safety Building at 9 a.m., Eastern Time: 1111 Broad St. Phenix City, AL 36867 Said meeting is open to the public. For [...]
Historic Preservation Commission Meeting
Troy University - Phenix City Campus 1510 Whitewater Avenue, Phenix City, AL, United StatesNotice is hereby given that the members of the Phenix City Historic Preservation Commission will conduct regular monthly meetings in 2020 on the first Wednesday of each month at 4 p.m., Eastern Time, at Troy University - Phenix City Campus, located at 1510 Whitewater [...]
BID: E20-01 Hot Mix Asphalt Paving & Roadway Improvements @ 10 a.m. EDT
Council Chambers 1111 Broad St., Phenix City, AL, United StatesHot Mix Asphalt Paving & Roadway Improvements The City of Phenix City will receive sealed bids for “Bid Number E20-01, Hot Mix Asphalt Paving and Roadway Improvements” until 9:30 a.m. EDT on Monday, March 9, 2020, and the official bid opening will be at [...]
Planning Commission Meeting
Council Chambers 1111 Broad St., Phenix City, AL, United StatesThe Planning Commission of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular meeting in the Council Chambers, located in the Public Safety Building, at 5:15 p.m., Eastern Time: 1111 Broad Street Phenix City, AL 36867 Said meeting is open to the public. For [...]
CANCELLED: Industrial Development Board Meeting
Municipal Building 601 12th St., Phenix City, AL, United StatesCancellation Notice: Notice is hereby given that the Industrial Development Board called meeting set for 3 p.m., Eastern Time, Thursday, March 12, 2020 in the Third Floor Conference Room of the Municipal Building, located at 601 12th Street, Phenix City, Alabama, is hereby cancelled. [...]
Library Board Meeting
Phenix City-Russell County Library 1501 17th Ave., Phenix City, AL, United StatesNotice is hereby given that the members of the Phenix City – Russell County Library Board will conduct regularly scheduled meetings during 2020 in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Said meetings will be conducted at 5:30 p.m., Eastern Time, [...]
City Council Work Session
Municipal Building 601 12th St., Phenix City, AL, United StatesThe City Council of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular Work Session Meeting in the Third Floor Conference Room of the Municipal Building at 3 p.m., Eastern Time: 601 12th St. Third Floor Phenix City, AL 36867 If you’d like to [...]
City Council Meeting
Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United StatesThe City Council of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular meeting at the Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center at 6 p.m., Eastern Time: 3743 Moon Lake Drive Phenix City, AL 36867 Said meeting is open to the public. For more information [...]
Public Hearings: Fixing of Costs
Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United StatesNotice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Phenix City, Alabama, will meet on March 17, 2020, at 6 p.m. EDT, at the Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center, located at 3743 Moon Lake Drive, to consider the fixing of costs [...]
Planning Commission Meeting
Council Chambers 1111 Broad St., Phenix City, AL, United StatesThe Planning Commission of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular meeting in the Council Chambers, located in the Public Safety Building, at 5:15 p.m., Eastern Time: 1111 Broad Street Phenix City, AL 36867 Said meeting is open to the public. For [...]