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Called Work Session: Proposed FY 2021-2022 Budget Review

Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United States

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Phenix City, Alabama, will hold Called Work Sessions at the Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center, located at 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, Alabama, for the purpose of reviewing the proposed 2021-2022 [...]

City Council Work Session

Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United States

The City Council of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular Work Session Meeting at the Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center at 3 p.m., Eastern Time: 3743 Moon Lake Drive Phenix City, AL 36867 If you’d like to address City Council at [...]

City Council Meeting

Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United States

The City Council of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular meeting at the Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center at 9 a.m., Eastern Time: 3743 Moon Lake Drive Phenix City, AL 36867 Said meeting is open to the public. For more information [...]

Event Series Library Board Meeting

Library Board Meeting

Phenix City-Russell County Library 1501 17th Ave., Phenix City, AL, United States

Notice is hereby given that the members of the Phenix City – Russell County Library Board will conduct regularly scheduled meetings during 2021 in the months of January, March, May, July, September, and November. Said meetings will be conducted at 5:30 p.m., Eastern Time, [...]

BID: DEMO21-01 Demolition of Structures @ 10 a.m. EDT

Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United States

Notice for Bids Bid #DEMO21-01 | Demolition of Structures The City of Phenix City, Alabama will accept individual bids (without dumping fees) by licensed Phenix City contractors to demolish the TEN (10) structures located as follows: 805 16th Street, Phenix City, AL [...]

Event Series Planning Commission Meeting

Planning Commission Meeting

Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United States

The Planning Commission of the City of Phenix City will hold a regular meeting at the Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center at 5:15 p.m., Eastern Time: 3743 Moon Lake Drive Phenix City, AL 36867 Said meeting is open to the public. For more information [...]

BID: E21-03 City Wide Asphalt Pavement Crack Sealing Bid @ 10 a.m. EDT

Martin-Idle Hour Park Community Center 3743 Moon Lake Drive, Phenix City, AL, United States

Notice for Bids Bid #E21-03 | City Wide Asphalt Pavement Crack Sealing TO OPEN FRIDAY, JULY 16, 2021, 10 a.m., EASTERN TIME The City of Phenix City will receive bids for "Bid Number E21-03 City Wide Asphalt Pavement Crack Sealing". Bids must be submitted [...]