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Notice of Reschedule

Due to inclement weather and Phenix City Offices being closed, the HDPE Drainage Pipe Bid E17-04 that was originally scheduled for Tuesday, September 12, 2017 at 10:00 A.M. EDT has been rescheduled for Wednesday, September 20, 2017 at 10:30 A.M. EDT.

Bids must arrive to the Purchasing Agent no later than 9:45 A.M. EDT on Wednesday, September 20, 2017. You can mail or hand-deliver your bid to 601 12th Street, Second Floor-Finance Department, Phenix City, AL 36867.

If you have any questions, please contact Sara Davis, Purchasing Agent at (334) 448-2735 or sedavis@phenixcityal.gov.

Original Notice

The City of Phenix City will receive sealed bids at 601 12th St., Second floor, for HDPE Drainage Pipe until 10.00 A.M. Eastern Time, September 12, 2017, and publicly open immediately thereafter in the Phenix City Council Chambers at City Hall, 1111 Broad Street, Phenix City, Alabama. Copies of the bid form can be obtained online (below), or by requesting bid number E17-04 at the Phenix City Engineering Department, 1206 7th Avenue, Phenix City, Alabama. For additional information contact Angel Moore, City Engineer, at 334-448-2760.

Related Documents

Notice of Reschedule

Bid Notice

Bid Specifications

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